
Sohbet - The Mystical Conversation on Mystical Subjects

Friday, November 4, 2011

Unconditional Love uh, how?

While I was sitting this morning, I was thinking about Unconditional Love and how that could work. I was stuck, so the main voice that speaks with me (my Higher Self, or whatever - I have sifted out the negative voices and shut them down) said something like: "Because people have the power of choice, they can do anything, so there is no way to love them but unconditionally." In other words: conditions block the love, because the other person can do anything. I was boggling. I thought of Jesus: He chose to let people do things, even at the cost of  His life. No conditions there. But could He not? Can I not allow people to be what they are, and still Accept, Respect and Trust (e.g.: Love) them? Jeremiah 17.

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